“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between their work and their play; their labor and their leisure; their mind and their body; their education and their recreation. They hardly know which is which. They simply pursue their vision of excellence through whatever they are doing, and leave others to determine whether they are working or playing. To themselves, they always appear to be doing both.”
– L. P. Jacks in Education through Recreation (1932)
“Press Button for Quick Service”
A Life/Art Performance Piece in Reno, Nevada
In the 1930s Reno, Nevada became famous for making divorces easy to get.
On 25 August, 2013 we celebrated Reno’s availability to make the reverse process easy.
Needing some of the legal civil benefits of this contract – health care, lease sharing, et cetera – we signed our names on the “bride” and “groom” lines.
We chose a drive-thru chapel – in a rented mini-van – using an online discount coupon.
It was indeed fast, cheap and ironically out-of-control – serving our decision to subvert this “institution of marriage” – taking the parts we needed – while discarding the validations of the spiritual and romantic cultural baggage.
For us ~
Nothing old, nothing new.
Nothing borrowed, nothing blue.
No rings or names exchanged, no caterers, no gift registries.
No Mr. or Mrs.. No “wife” or “husband“, we!
Who will catch this bouquet of Performance Art?
We have been partners in life and love and art for almost three years. Prime-mates, we.
Congratulations as such are probably not in order.
Laughter (click HERE for funny-bone) and applause are always welcome!
On our way back to the hotel from the chapel we met a Spaceman from Romania headed to Burning Man.
We decided to dub our forthcoming trip to Burning Man our “honeymoon“.
[Click HERE to hear Jonathan Richman’s wonderful ode to “Reno”.]
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